So you hate Mondays huh?
Society has given Mondays a rep SOO bad that trying to raise it from the depths of dread and despair won’t do much. Yes those pesky little blue gnomes take pleasure in plotting against us every Monday, sneaking up on us to plan the most evil-est thing they can think of. If you still however, see that glimmer of hope that Monday gifts of itself, I’m sure your future self will thank you for your present day’s actions to read on.
1. Mondays Keep You Rooted To Reality
Let’s face it, who doesn’t love sleeping in after a long surge of partying or winding down the weekends away. If Mondays weren’t a thing, I’m guessing you wouldn’t have finished up that report or completed something significant in your life, would you? Heck, Facebook might still be in the development phase if it weren’t for Monday’s magical abilities. Time’s going to pass you by whether you like it or not, and Monday sends a strong message to get off your ass and back on track to what’s important.
2.Mondays Don’t Give You Excuses
If you’re someone like me who procrastinates incessantly till the very last minute, you’ll thank the heavens for Mondays. Got a report that’s due by the end of the week? Guess what, now you’ve got a whole week ahead of you to clear up that pesky little task. That’s +4 additional days added to your life. You’re welcome for this new perspective.
3.Mondays Offer A Fresh New Start
“I’ll start that on Monday…” Sounds familiar? Say goodbye to yesterday and start on a clean slate. I promise no one will remember what happened over the weekend – that binge eating, drunk partying, stupid mistakes or whatnots. Because frankly you and I know that this week is going to be ‘THE’ week. Time to hit reset, refresh and go by the good ol’ saying of New Year, New Me. Or for short-term realists, New Monday, New Me.
4. Mondays Are For Motivation
Wich other days can match against the all-mighty Mondays, having their very own ‘MOTIVATION’ column dedicated to them. TGIFs are so passé (ironically typing this as I’m waiting for my Friday’s workload to be completed). Take it from me, I treat every Monday as an opportunity to complete what I am unable to accomplish the week before. No one’s fighting for Monday’s attention anyway, so take it and own it. From now on it’s yours!
5.Mondays Makes You Productive
Research has shown that Mondays recorded the highest amount of productivity measured as compared to other days in a week. This will seriously makes sense in a while if you think about it. Ever encountered that situation where you’re like “It’s the end of the week, I’m sure the [receiver] won’t reply cause they’ve probably gone home or something… but I’ll just send this email out anyway so they can take their time to get back to me by Monday”. TGIF right? And if fortunately or unfortunately your phone is tied to the work email, guess what *bing* You see it, if urgent you reply. Not urgent, let’s leave that till Monday.
And come Monday guess what? It’s sitting in our inbox for the last 2 days, how can I/they not reply? And that’s when all the email comes spamming in. This happens VICE-VERSA, so hey… we’re just diligent employees getting our jobs done! Btw, no points for guessing which day is the least productive one. Give Mondays that maximum productivity boost it deserves. Don’t believe me? Try it yourself.
At the end of the day, we can all be herded like sheeps and go by the science of social timing in associating Mondays to a negative day. Though there’s practically no basis for this, I don’t see why we can’t start to appreciate Mondays a little bit more. On the really bright side, Mondays only come once a week and they make all other days look pretty good. So thank you Mondays, that’s why you’re the best.